Thursday, March 03, 2005

Things that should be

In the midst of my burnt-out, overworked, crabby stupor I have been loved by my husband and encouraged by my friends. I feel very lucky to have wise, patient people in my life who extend grace and quickly forgive.

I had an hour of quiet in a church tonight. An hour to talk to God. An hour to be still. It helped me to remember that there are multiple possibilities and I do not have to muscle my way through the challenges. The quiet restored a sense of how it should feel to live this life- contemplative, trusting, courageous.

Lots of things persist that should not. Lots of things are ignored that should be embraced.

The Sabbath as a day of rest, as a day of abstaining from toil, is not for the purpose of recovering one's lost strength and becoming fit for the forthcoming labor. The Sabbath is a day for the sake of life.
It is one thing to race or be driven by the vicissitude that menace life, and another to stand still and to embrace the presence of an eternal moment.
-Abraham Heschel

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